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The Board deals with matters of overall long-term strategy and policy, rather than the day-to-day operations of the credit union. They work closely with the senior executive team to strengthen the performance of HMECU for the benefit of members, employees, and the communities we serve.
Directors are elected by the members of Healthcare and Municipal Employees’ Credit Union to act collectively as the Board of Directors (the “Board”) to lead the organization to the achievement of its mission and vision while adhering to its corporate values and business philosophies. This is a significant responsibility that requires exemplary conduct and the commitment, experience, ingenuity, and expertise of each Director. For more information on the role of an HMECU Board of Director, please read our Board of Director Position Description.
Role of the Board
The role of the Board of Directors is to act as a policy Board by providing effective governance and stewardship, leaving management to run the day-to-day operations of the credit union. There are five key responsibilities of the Board:
- Establish strategic direction and regularly review the direction to ensure it responds to the changing business environment in which the credit union operates.
- Hire and delegate authority to the President and CEO.
- Monitor performance.
- Communicate with members and other stakeholders.
- Monitor and ensure appropriate and effective governance of the credit union.